
IMG_6438My name’s Colin Casto, and I’m one of the production interns at the Student Farm!
I’m a senior Community, Environment, and Development major and have a lot of farming experience from working on organic farms in my hometown in NEPA.  I’m extremely excited and motivated by sustainability and sustainable agriculture in particular, and got involved with the Student Farm Club shortly after transferring to Penn State from the University of Alabama (which, sadly, lacked such an initiative).  When I heard the Student Farm was going to be needing summer interns, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to work with something that excites me and beef up my sustainable ag experience!


The summer is well on its way, and you probably know that things at the Student Farm are coming together beautifully!  I’ve had a great time being able to get to know my fellow summer interns, including the charismatic workhorse, Michael, whom you may remember from a few blogs back, lovable mad-scientist turned farming enthusiast, John, funny and excitable newcomer, Kiki, and, of course, our Dear (fearless) Leader, Leslie Pillen.  I love being able to work outside, at the mercy of the weather, for a meaningful, essential goal.

One thing that surprised me this summer is just how protective I’ve become of the Student Farm, to the point where I think I could change my Facebook relationship status to “It’s Complicated” with the “Student Farm at Penn State”.  Earlier today I was out checking on our crops in preparation for tomorrow’s CSA harvest and delivery, and felt a scarily fatherly sense of annoyance at the few pests munching on the Swiss Chard and the elusive groundhog who’s sneaked into our field.

I’m really excited to finish off this summer at the Student Farm and am excited to see how this experience will better prepare me to change the food system later in life!  Hopefully I’ll get to meet some of you as you come out to the farm!

forcoagpostLove, Coag